- Image caption
- Image caption
- Image caption
- Image caption
- Image caption
- Image caption
This top paragraph is where I introduce you and explain how this guest post came about. I will write it, but you can provide links that you want used. It’s an for various syndication reasons.
This is your intro paragraph. This is where you explain briefly what this article is going to be about. Hopefully it’s quite enticing and interesting.
Probably best to use Markdown here for formatting. Also note there are no super hard-and-fast rules for post formatting. If you want to do something usual or fancy or whatever, I’m typically down.
Subheads are <h3> tags
They probably should be tags but again for legacy reasons they are not. h3’s have a bunch of margin above them to set them apart. In the article code itself, put two line breaks above an h3.
Cras aliquet feugiat sapien a dictum. Sed ullamcorper, erat eu cursus sollicitudin, lorem orci condimentum ante, non tincidunt velit dolor eget lacus. Ut dolor ex, gravida in posuere non, vulputate ut est.
Sub-sections using tags. Like if you were going going to make a section all about the font property and then sub-heads for each of the sub-properties. Sub-sections should be related to the larger section they are a part of. Only one line break above an h4.
Another h4 sub-subhead
These don’t have as much space above or below them as the h3’s. We only use h3’s and h4’s in articles (legacy reasons).
A common thing when demonstrating a front end technique is to break into sections by language.
I host all images in articles right on the CSS-Tricks CDN. Link them up however you need to temporarily and I’ll upload them. If the image blending into white makes sense.
Otherwise, mark it up in a tag which gives it a frame and sets it apart. This is the standard.